Every match is tense and makes me want to throw my controller every time I concede a goal, and with my opponents rubbing it in with a lovely emote each time, that only throws fuel into the fire. Nothing quite grinds my gears like playing Ultimate Team on FIFA. I’m pretty proud to be able to showcase the diversity of voices we have at The Escapist, so I hope you’ll enjoy reading through them, letting us know which stories are your favorites, and sharing your own answers in the comments section! Alex Berry – FIFA I gave our large stable of Escapist writers and content creators a simple prompt: “What is the angriest a game has ever made you?” And below is an incredible variety of answers, from outright hilarity to somber lessons about the creation of art.

Hey, all! We’re trying something new at The Escapist, something I’ve slapdashly christened “Burning Questions with The Escapist,” and it is exactly what it sounds like.