
Download ImageCacheViewer 1.30
Download ImageCacheViewer 1.30

If you press Ctrl and click the Data Size column, for example, the entries will change from displaying in kilobytes, to simply bytes. Some of the column headers for the list can be clicked (while pressing Ctrl) and the entries below them will change. An edit box will display to rename the file. To rename a file in the list, click once on a selected list item. Mapped entries that included extended information while searching the Windows.edb will be displayed in green. Mapping files using Windows.edb (ESE database) should be done on an operating system that shares the same or newer operating system version in which the Windows.edb was generated. This ensures that the correct inputs can be hashed to compare against the entry hash in the database. Another thing to note is that mapping files by scanning directories must be done on the same computer system in which the database was generated. It's not that common to see unless the database has been overwritten or truncated. When verifying entries, mismatched checksums will be displayed in red along with the correct value. The main menu will allow you to save entries, export entries to a CSV (comma-separated values) file, remove entries from the list (the database is not modified), hide 0 byte entries, verify CRC-64 header and data checksums, and map files to entry hashes. Looking to open Thumbs.db files? Try my Thumbs Viewer instead.

download ImageCacheViewer 1.30

The program comes in two flavors: a graphical user interface and command-line interface. Thumbcache Viewer allows you to extract thumbnail images from the thumbcache_*.db and iconcache_*.db database files found on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11.

download ImageCacheViewer 1.30

Thumbcache Viewer - Extract thumbnail images from the thumbcache_*.db and iconcache_*.db database files.

Download ImageCacheViewer 1.30