When you first start playing the game you will need to send out your science ships in order to find new quests and planets that you can inhabit and use resources from.

The way that the game eases you in really does help you build a connection to this species and makes you want to make sure they thrive. Creating your own empire from scratch is a lot of fun, but it could be daunting for new players. You can let the game create a species for you or you can get in there and do it all by yourself. The basics of Stellaris are that you want to take your civilization from your homeworld to the stars. Once you have nailed it and know exactly what to do, you can tell the game to stop showing you the help. Instead, it has this great little system where help pops up when you click on things. It does not just make you play a tutorial mission or level and then throw you in at the deep end. Stellaris though has one of the best tutorials in a strategy game I have ever come across. Usually, in a game like this, I end up lost and frustrated after about an hour. If you have ever wanted to take a civilization from discovering interstellar travel to being a real powerhouse in the galaxy, Stellaris is the game for you.

Brought to us by the team that made the very complex and engaging Crusader Kings 2, Stellaris is one of the most in depth space strategy games you will ever play.